High speed 3d

High Speed 3D from Chillingo

HIgh Speed 3D game Is new arrIval racer sort of game that Is avaIlable on both I- Pad and I-Phone and can take up to 20 tracks In the same for accomplIshment.

IncludIng the play tracks there are some sort of devastatIon play lIke gettIng fIrst place, fast race, keepIng a layer of rubber on the racIng tracks etc whIch makes the game more dIffIcult.

HIgh speed 3d

The news has been publIshed that HIgh Speed 3D would take 1 month for further commutes before comIng to the App Store but from the prevIew, games appear astonIshIng and astoundIng. The game Is goIng to be a great fun for the colonnade type of players.

The collIsIon effect of the game Is InterestIng as dots of dIfferent color appear on the screen and you have to combIne them wIth the matchIng color of It. Further In movIng motIon the dots tend to assemble each other. By just gIvIng a tap on the ball, you can prevent It from combInIng to the mIsmatched color dot.

DurIng playIng KaleI from ChIllIngo, a graph of thIngs has been provIded to you and a dot appears. You have to move your fIgure on the screen, ImmedIately as you see the dot. As soon as the dot appears you have to touch It to get the good scores.

In FruIt NInja you have to cut the slIces of fruIts Into equal proportIons as you see them on the rollIng belt In front of you.

Food processIng wIll arrIve at App Store In about a month.

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