Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 – Gamers Enjoying Stimulus Map Pack

Ok, yesterday I was lookIng forward to downloadIng my stImulus map pack for call of duty, the news Is, Its now done and after a few hours of tryIng to get It to work, I managed to play a few games. I thInk there must have been a server Issue due to the demand for the call of duty modern warfare 2 stImulus pack.
Gamers are now rejoIcIng that theIr copy of modern warfare 2 has a fresh feel, and although there are only 4 new maps, the 2 that have been remastered may also feel new. Lets face It, you can now go a large number of games wIthout havIng to touch those old tIred maps that used to annoy you when people camped of were off map.
What do you thInk of the downloaded content? Does It make you enjoy call of duty modern warfare 2, more than you have prevIously? If not then we want to hear from you because the concensus Is, that everyone loves It and wIll probably send the call of duty servers spInnIng to the poInt of break thIs comIng easter weekend.

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  1. These new maps are make the game more exciting but i dont like how the type of game you want to play is random. I want to be able to choose TDM, Demolision, Free-For-All etc.

  2. The new maps gives it a fresh new feel but the match making will need updated. Salvage is mostly a one sided map where if the decent spond point is recieved the other team doesn’t stand a chance. The old maps where getting old with campers but I believe nube tubs need taken off the game. Nothing says pro like some moron running around with a granade launcher praying for a kill.

  3. Brought the Stimulus map pack yesterday and have played all of the new maps apart from the remastered overgrown. The new maps are amazing and crash feels completly different to the map in the first game. Brilliant map pack a MUST BUY

  4. what a load of shit u cant even select your game mode

    absolute shite

  5. very boring still epicly failed just face it infinityward you just cant beat activision with cod5 and avp

  6. When can I just play the new maps in team deathmatch. HQ Blows.

  7. CAN’T PICK GAME MODE!? I paid $15 & I don’t even want to play the new maps because I am stuck playing all the game modes I don’t like for an hour before I get the one I do: DEATHMATCH. Love the new maps though. If you like all game modes, buy the stimulus pack. Ultimately I feel ripped off though & will probably not buy map packs so readily anymore.

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