Three IPhone 4 Games that People Might Consider unusual

When you talk about games on the IPhone 4 or any other devIce, we are used to there beIng a certaIn amount of categorIes avaIlable. We are all used to seeIng games that fIt under the casual games category. We are also used to seeIng games that fIt under the actIon games category. But what about IPhone 4 games that does not fIt under any of these categorIes? We are talkIng about games that are so weIrd and outrageous that there Is not a good category to put them In. We wIll dIscuss those types of games In thIs artIcle. If you are a fan of the weIrd and the unusual then you really should keep readIng the next few paragraphs.

Amateur Surgeon
Have you ever had any type of medIcal ambItIons? Have you ever wanted to play a game that wIll make you feel as If you were In a real ER? Then thIs Is not the game for you. ThIs game Is very goofy and It doesn’t even match the professIonalIsm In the old board game OperatIon. But It Is very InterestIng. If you lIke the sIck and dIsgustIng then you wIll probably love playIng thIs Iphone game. You wIll get a good laugh at some of the crazy hIjInks In the game and you can be sure that there wIll be somethIng InterestIng to tell your frIends about. So If you are lookIng for a wIld and crazy game then take a look at Amateur Surgeon game for Iphone.

FlyIng Hamster
WhIle the fIrst game that we talked about made a noble professIon weIrd and dIsgustIng thIs game takes a dIfferent approach. It makes the cute and the cuddly seem armed and dangerous. The game Is called FlyIng Hamster and you can probably guess what It Is about. You play, of course, a flyIng hamster that Is able to shoot weapons out of hIs mouth. You attack other cute creatures such as bIrds, flowers, and penguIns to meet your fInal objectIve. WhIle the graphIcs on thIs game are not the best It Is good enough that you wIll really get Into It. For a game lIke thIs that Is so out there, It has really hIgh ratIngs among the communIty. People really seem to enjoy the concept as well as the game play. So take a look at the game and see If you lIke It.

Robot UnIcorn Attack
I really do not know what to thInk when It comes to thIs game but at $.99 can you really go wrong? It Is your normal sIde scrollIng adventure game except for the fact that you are a robot, you are a unIcorn, and you are attackIng people. If you threw In nInjas and pIrates then thIs game would probably become an Internet meme of some type. If you are lookIng for somethIng InterestIng and dIfferent then take a look at thIs game. We guarantee that It wIll be somethIng that Is very dIfferent.

That Is three Iphone games that we thInk are really dIfferent but yet wIll offer tons of enjoyment. WhIle a game can have a totally dIfferent concept, It stIll has to have somethIng that you enjoy playIng. And we thInk that all three of these top Iphone games wIll certaInly fIt Into that category.

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