The Future of Xbox Kinnect

The Future of Xbox KInnect. GamIng News, Xbox’s KInnect whIch allows users to control theIr console wIth just theIr bodIes and no controller got off to a sluggIsh start. WhIle the vIdeos had gamIng fans excIted the system has thus far faIled to delIver on the hype. It’s not that the technology doesn’t work, just that no one has yet been able to make the most of It. In other words most of the games for KInnect have been rubbIsh.

A KInnect Sport was good but dIdn’t really brIng anythIng new to the Industry. KInnect Adventures was fun but It’s not a game that you play over and over agaIn. I’m not even goIng to mentIon KInnect motIon sports whIch menus takes so long to load It lIterally has you beggIng for a replay button. Xbox may have the answer to Its woes announcIng a two new games for the camera feature whIch could do for KInnect what WII Sports dId for the WII. The fIrst Is a sequel to MotIon Sports whIch not only offers new actIvItIes but a better use of the technology.

The second Is the one whIch most wIll fInd excItIng and make even the most harden gamIng sceptIc want to try out the new technology. It Is Star Wars KInnect. Who as a kId dIdn’t run around and pretend that they were a JedI wIth a fake lIght sabre. Well now It’s tIme to pull that old pIece of plastIc out from the toy box because KInnect wIll scan It and regIster It on screen as a deadly weapon.

VIdeos of a Star Wars KInnect game have been around sInce the technology was announced but It wasn’t untIl now that they have offIcIally announced and named the game. Star Wars may be the Ideal tItle for the technology because It makes use of the full body motIon detectIon In a way the WII and Play StatIon Move cannot.

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