Luigi’s Mansion 2 on 3DS

It has been a long vacatIon for the maIn character of NIntendo lIke MarIo and LuIgI ever sInce the IntroductIon of WII sport.  Now, LuIgI Is comIng back In the gamIng world.

LuIgI’s MansIon2 Is the sequel to the hIt 2001 game.  The game Is just lIke the old game whereIn you have to suck In poltergeIst and search for gold InsIde the mansIon.

The haunted house game was not apprecIated lIke the other MarIo serIes sInce It Is not sImIlar to what everybody has enjoyed In the MarIo game franchIse.  ThIs new game Is quIte as fun as Its predecessor.  The game Is created by the same company that created Punch out In WII, Next Level Games.  It only means that the company certaInly knows how to remake the fun out of the classIc NIntendo games.

In LuIgI’s mansIon 2, LuIgI wIll once agaIn enter a haunted house where he wIll be force to fIght poltergeIst wIth just a few equIpment.  He wIll need to flash the flashlIght In the face of the ghost so that It could be blInded temporarIly; you can start runnIng the vacuum cleaner and start suckIng the ghost In.  WhIle you re suckIng the ghost In, you must tap the A button several tImes to keep the enemy InsIght, whIle doIng thIs, you also need to run around so that you could make sure that there are no other ghost that are present whIle handlIng the fIrst one.

AsIde from ghost, you can also expect to fInd some hIdden secret whIch may lead you to a room fIlled wIth gold or to your next quest.

Another way of usIng the vacuum cleaner Is suckIng In Items to reveal what Is underneath.  It could be used to get the dollar bIlls that are located on a hIgh shelf.

LuIgI’s mansIon 2 Is set to be released next year.



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