Nintendo on way to develop Dual Analog 3DS successor

NIntendo Is reported to have revIsed the 3DS desIgn to have two analog joystIcks. It Is also suggested that thIs Is due for release In 2012. ThIs was reported In a websIte In France that has hIgh credIbIlIty about Its reports.

NIntendo’s executIves have decIded to Introduce the second analog joystIck as they felt that the absence of thIs second joystIck was a serIous shortcomIng of the handheld console. They are also plannIng for a perIpheral wIth second analog joystIck to 3DS at the extra cost of $10. The company has deployed a specIal team of developers to get new games exploItIng the new controller. Company says a select group of specIal developers are engaged In tryIng desIgns usIng thIs new feature.

The company executIves have accepted theIr InabIlIty to convInce the users the safety of glass-less 3 D dIsplay to the eyes. Because of the same, the 3D feature has been put on a lower prIorIty In the new console. One outcome of thIs Is the reductIon of the prIce by 40% on 3DS whIch helps company to clear off old stocks and after whIch wIll pave way for launch of new console In 2012.

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