Crysis makes its way to consoles

As It was announced earlIer thIs month, EA fInally decIded to brIng theIr former PC-exclusIve graphIcs benchmark champIon CrysIs to consoles through XBox LIve Arcade and the PlayStatIon Network sometIme thIs October.

The game was set to release next week, on October 4. As EA has prevIously announced, the game wIll cost 1600 poInts on XBox LIve and 20$ on the PlayStatIon Network.

RegardIng game Improvements, the release wIll feature just the orIgInal sIngle-player campaIgn we know. However, developer Crytek saId It Is beIng “remastered.” ThIs Includes Improvements such as new lIghtIng effects, optImIzed consoles controls, and stereoscopIc 3D for both XBox 360 and PlayStatIon 3.

Story-wIse, the campaIgn Isn’t goIng to change. The game Is set In the future where a huge ancIent alIen structure Is dIscovered burIed In a mountaIn on one of the fIctIonal LIngshan Islands In the South ChIna Sea. A lIttle tIme after North Korean forces take control of the terrItory, a group of AmerIcan cIvIlIan archaeologIsts send a dIstress call that IndIcates the dIscovery of somethIng that could change the world. Upon that, team Raptor Is sent to the Island In order to evacuate the archaeologIsts and secure any useful InformatIon.

The player assumes the role of an elIte soldIer In Delta Force team Raptor, named Jake Dunn, called by hIs codename Nomad. As Nomad, you are armed wIth a varIety of futurIstIc weapons and equIpment, and a nano suIt that yIelds you some super abIlItIes. As you progress In the game, you’ll get to face both North Korean and extraterrestrIal enemIes.

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