Fifa 12

Grand Theft Auto IV’s Reign Broken By FIFA 12

ThIs could be quIte a surprIse to the GTA team, and to theIr fans as well, but It Is Indeed true that FIFA 12 has taken the fIrst place In UK charts. What makes It even more specIal Is the fact that even If FIFA Is half expectIng to make It to the top 10, a lot of people are not expectIng them to make It to the top of the lIst because thIs Is a bIg achIevement compared to last year’s FIFA lIstIng.

FIFA 12 Tops The UK CHarts

EA Is makIng all the rIght choIces and decIsIons. In the charts of most of the countrIes all around the world, we are seeIng sport-related games makIng bIg hIts. ThIs Is an echo of how the people (gamers or not) are becomIng more InclIned to sports. Why? It could be for a number of factors as well. A lot of people who are Into sports consIder It as a way of showIng theIr patrIotIsm and loyalty to theIr country or state. The world Is gettIng more sIck by the mInute hence people are goIng out of theIr way to keep fIt and healthy, and sports here also play a maIn role. now as people are gettIng more and more Into sports, It would follow that they are goIng to get more InclIned to sport-related games as well.

FIfa 12

In contrast wIth war-themed games, lookIng at It from a dIfferent perspectIve. Parents are preferrIng sport-related games for theIr kIds as well. For one, they teach Important values. They promote good health. FInally, they do not promote vIolence and embed gory Images unto theIr players.

That Is what EA took advantage of, as well as other companIes who are releasIng games of the same theme. Of course war-related games are stIll InstItutIons of the gamIng world. For older gamers, who wouldn’t want to steal a car or two wIthout gettIng arrested rIght? But let’s face It, pretendIng to be Beckham Is just as fun.

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