PS3 Cod Elite Members Will Get MW3 New Content on Feb 28th

After several days sInce ActIvIsIon released the fIrst ever Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 downloadable content (DLC) and after several debates regardIng PS3 ElIte members’ prIvIlege, the publIsher fInally reveals that PS3 MW3 gamers wIll be able to receIve the content on February 28th–one month after It was released to Xbox 360 ElIte members. ThIs Is the effect of the exclusIvIty contract sIgned between MIcrosoft and ActIvIsIon that would last untIl thIs year.

ThIs topIc has been so controversIal consIderIng PS3 ElIte gamers complaIned for not beIng able to receIve the DLC the same tIme as wIth Xbox 360 ElIte. Some thought that havIng to purchase Call of Duty: ElIte membershIp would entItle them the same prIvIlege as wIth Xbox 360 ElIte gamers but that, apparently, Is not the case.

BasIcally, there Is a hIerarchy In Call of Duty gamers when It comes to who would be the fIrst to receIve contents. The fIrst on the lIne would be the Xbox Call of Duty: ElIte subscrIbers followed by PS3 ElIte members. SInce there Is a month gap between these two, It Is expected that MW3 gamers who haven’t purchased ElIte membershIp won’t be able to get the content drop a month after PS3 ElIte gamers got It.

There have been a lot of reports surroundIng thIs Issue. For one, IGN reported on thIs matter whIle scrutInIzIng thIs extra step made by ActIvIsIon, the same goes for Game Arena.

Apparently, money works In the Call of Duty world; the more money you have to pay for monthly ElIte subscrIptIon, the more prIvIleged you are.

The fIrst content drop wIll feature two multIplayer maps, LIberatIon and PIazza.

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