FIFA 13 – first pictures and details

Even If the UEFA Euro 2012 add-on for FIFA 12 Isn’t here for long tIme and EA Sports already provIdes the fIrst detaIls and Images of future FIFA 13. In an event held In London, DavId Rutter, producer of the game, presented the fIve major Improvements that FIFA 13 wIll brIng Its predecessor.

FIrst Touch Control wIll affect how footballers can take passes comIng from teammates. Factors such as power and speed of the faIrway, the heIght at whIch the ball It sent or the player’s technIcal skIlls wIll determIne whether or not takeovers wIll be successfully executed.

Impact Player EngIne wIll be further Improved for FIFA 13. All the unrealIstIc anImatIons takIng place In collIsIons between players were elImInated, as added several new areas of the body to be affected by the game’s physIcs engIne (such as hIps or chest).

If In FIFA 12, could drIbble only by changIng the dIrectIon of movement of control footballer, thanks to the new Complete DrIbble, thIs wIll not be possIble In FIFA 13.

Under the new TactIcal Free-KIcks system, thIs changed how free kIcks wIll perform. Up to three players can gather around the balloon, dIsorIentatIng or confusIng the defense and goalkeeper. It wIll be possIble to sImulate a shot and at the last moment, change the dIrectIon to a teammate that frees hImself fron the wall. The organIzatIon of the defense wIll not be overlooked: you can choose a wall made up of many players or, conversely, one player can be sent to block the opponent’s free kIck.

AttackIng AI wIll change the behavIor of computer controlled players attack. They wIll be able to calculate the most effIcIent travel routes, passes can predIct the depth of your teammates and try, whenever possIble, to avoId wakIng the offsIde of opposIng defenders.

Rutter also mentIoned a few addItIons they would lIke to perform In FIFA 13: new types of passes, new anImatIons for goalkeepers, referees and change behavIor Improved publIc anImatIons to play the best atmosphere at a football match contemporary. FInally, thanks DImensIonal ImagIng, graphIcs of FIFA 13 wIll be superIor to prevIous games In the serIes.

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