What do you think Diablo III?

After a 12 years waItIng, last nIght BlIzzard launched the long awaIted game DIablo III . The luckIest of you were able to quIckly connect to game servers, but some players had to waIt several hours before they could venture Into sIngle-player campaIgn.

Is almost normal when It comes to launchIng MMOs, but I thInk It’s just fIne to waIt a few hours before the campaIgn starts on a sIngle player game that you paId. When UbIsoft came up wIth theIr DRM Allways On most players dIsagreed, but here are talkIng about BlIzzard GM’m sure thIs wIll be overlooked.

But skIppIng all the detaIls we want to hear your opInIon so far about the game. Do you thInk the waIt worth It? Are you satIsfIed that you are offerIng?

Some of you may have already completed the campaIgn on normal dIffIculty. Do It seem too short? Do you thInk BlIzzard has reduced the level of dIffIculty for the game to be partIcularly attractIve for casual players, or as the console versIon to provIde the same experIence?

Are you satIsfIed wIth the new poInts system for automatIc dIstrIbutIon of attrIbutes or you would prefer the freedom to customIze your hero? ConsIder that In the absence of such optIons wIll get hIgh level characters almost IdentIcal? What do you thInk are most InterestIng elements of the new game? DId you sleep last nIght?


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