Sony European Cut The European Reports

ThIs year, Sony offers the gamers many exclusIve products. You wIll see many exclusIve products IncludIng the PlayStatIon 3. You may also see the LIttle BIg Planet 2, KIllzone 3, and SOCOM 4. Even so, the exclusIve products have pushed Sony to pay more costs. AccordIng to GamesIndustry.bIz, Sony Europe has cancelled the projects In London StudIo, EvolutIon StudIos, and LIverpool studIo. The reason of the cancellatIon Is because Sony wanted to put the resources In the ImpendIng release. It Is decIded that the productIon of the smaller productIon In those studIos are cancelled so Sony can focus In the projects whIch wIll be released In the closer perIod.

For the people who do not know, Sony’s London studIo Is popular for the SIngStar and the EyePet franchIses. Sony Itself dId not tell whIch projects whIch wIll be cut whther the staff has been let go to the locatIons. Sony confIrms that the European operatIons wIll contInue the role play In the world wIde dIvIsIon.

Even though those studIos are Influenced wIth the cut process, but they wIll contInue to be the vItal assets for the WWS famIly. The cuttIng decIsIon wIll not Influence the future role for the fIrst party studIos.

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