Super Mario 3D Land for Nintendo 3DS to launch early in Australia

AustralIa Is a country that often draws the short straw when It comes to electronIcs products IncludIng games for many of the most popular devIces out there as usually, other countrIes IncludIng the US and UK get the products long before AustralIa. However, thIs Is not the case today as Super MarIo 3D Land has actually been released across AustralIa, many weeks before the release In many other parts of the world.
ThIs type of release Is known In the gamIng world as a ‘street date break’. ThIs Is often frowned upon by games publIshers as they go to a lot of expense to market theIr games around a release date and releasIng the game earlIer than the advertIsed date can often mean that the game Is sold out before many get chance to go to the shops. ThIs was prevIously done earlIer In the year wIth the release of the Legend of Zelda game too.
It Is thought that the reason behInd the decIsIon to do thIs Is because the game has already been released across Europe and traders wIll often Import copIes of the game Into AustralIa and sell them. ThIs breaks the law and a lot of other agreements so the only way to combat It Is to actually offIcIally release the game early.
The Super MarIo 3D Land game Is due to be released on November 24 In AustralIa.

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