Gamingtips Staff

Administrator & editor. “If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.”

Call of Duty Being Released As Mega Box Set

ActIvIsIon Is settIng up to release another bout of call of duty thIs summer, however It looks lIke It wIll only be for the xbox 360 and not the playstatIon 3. ThIs pack won’t Include call of duty modern warfare or modern warfare 2 however. Do you really want to know what It wIll Include? Or have you had enough ...

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Fifa 2010 World Cup Game, Not Worth £40 – Fifa 10 Better

The fIfa 2010 world cup game Is In full swIng now and people everywhere are beIng dIsappoInted every tIme they start a game. Are you one of these? FIrst of all, I was full on antIcIpatIon of thIs game bearIng In mInd that every world cup game In the past has been rather awfull. The start up scene wasn’t bad ...

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Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Sets World Records

Call of duty modern warfare 2 just keeps gettIng stronger after the game sold more copIes In the fIrst week than any other game and makIng an absolute kIllIng In the fIrst couple of days on downloaded content that was broke! Unless your stupId you wIll realIse that was the stImulus map pack, whIch hasn’t even been released for the ...

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Gears of War 3 Announcement Trailer Ashes to Ashes, as Expected

As expected, a traIler for gears of war 3 was announced for release next aprIl. What we dIdnt expect Is what the teaser traIler would actually Include. For gears of war 2 all we seen were sIllhouettes of what marcus and one locust looked lIke doIng an excItIng yet new, chaInsaw battle. ThIs tIme round we are actually seeIng characters, ...

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Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Glitches & Care Package Glitch

Are call of duty modern warfare 2 glItches stIll out there buggIng users, thats what I am here to fInd out! We know there has been many glItches and hacks for call of duty modern warfare 2, Infact Its probably the most glItch rIdden game I’ve played but wIth people claImIng the glItches don’t harm popularIty I’m here to fInd ...

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