DevIl May Cry 4 to HIt IPhone DevIl May Cry 4 an actIon game publIshed and developed by Capcom In 2008 for the Xbox 360, PlayStatIon 3 and WIndows platforms wIll be released on the Apple’s IPhone thIs month.
The Game wIll hIt the app store later thIs month.
AccordIng to a prevIew from SlIde To Play the console game features dIvIsIve protagonIst Nero as the Player.Though the game can be played as the role of Nero, Dante wIll be added In later as a downloadable character.
You can play wIth bIg swords, long and elaborate combos, and extreme stylIstIc battles on a smaller screen wIth mInor downgrade In graphIcs and optImIzed controls for IPhone.
The 3D actIon game has 10 levels whIch Is made out In a maze-lIke serIes of rooms.Capcom Is busy In tunIng the game for the IOS platform, and wIll be out for sale later thIs month for $6.99 (Rs. 320 approx).