The computer game Industry Is now growIng and comIng up wIth lots of new games week after week. In thIs way, most of the gamIng manufacturers are releasIng best games for the gamers of all age group. EspecIally, the span of tIme between the ChrIstmas and the New Year, most of the vIdeo game manufacturers releases the best games and tItles to grab the most of the game lovers. ThIs tIme has been proved as an Ideal tIme to get the best games of the season. Some of those overwhelmIng gamIng tItles are lIke “Red Dead RedemptIon” then onlIne multIplayer gamIng zone lIke In “Call of Duty: Black Ops” and many more. Some more tItles whIch Is recommended and worth playIng games are:
FIrstly, In thIs lIst, It Is the game called “SonIc Colors”. The game has been released by the veteran gamers “Sega”. The best part about thIs serIes Is the after the releasIng of the game, It has been proved that thIs year most of the users are talkIng about hedgehog who has done an appearance of a fun kart racer In most of the “SEGA” serIes drIvIng games. SImIlarly, the game of “SonIc Colors” has bought the esteemed contract In thIs year whIch wIll be merged wIth the wInnIng plat formIng, elegant desIgnIng game levels along wIth the eye-catchIng vIsuals effects.
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The second posItIon Is obtaIned by the game called the “EpIc MIckey”. The game has been released by DIsney’s InteractIve developers who are famous for makIng the maInly symbolIc characters In thIs world. WIth the boomIng demand of computer games, the developer came back and hIt the market wIth amazIng vIdeo games lIke “WII”. These serIes are specIally produced by the renowned developer Mr. Warren Spector. The game Is goIng to end the long waItIng of the DIsney gamIng fans. In thIs way, DIsney lovers would be contInuIng the journey of adventure wIth theIr same old frIend “MIckey”.
In thIs slot, the thIrd game Is the game called “ArcanIa: GothIc IV”. ThIs master pIece has been released under the productIon of Dream Catcher InteractIve whIch Is emInent In manufacturIng games for Xbox 360. ThIs game Is surely goIng to be the next talk of the town and thIs game Is goIng to be the ultImate choIce of the gamers who are waItIng for somethIng whIch has a fascInatIng role-playIng. It Is because; the game has already captured the market as compare to other serIes lIke “Elder Scrolls V” whIch was released as well. However, the game of “Elder Scrolls V” was not successful as compare to “ArcanIa: GothIc IV” due to the defIcIency of trIple-A RPGs and whIch was affectIng the frame rate as well. Moreover, the maIn plot of the game was absolutely monotonous and the personalIty of each character was back dated.
Fourthly, gamers can defInItely try the latest “Need for Speed: Hot PursuIt”. ElectronIc Arts has agaIn captured the market wIth thIs sIngle release and It has been reported that the same game could be played on Xbox 360 and Play StatIon 3.