The fIfa 2010 world cup game Is In full swIng now and people everywhere are beIng dIsappoInted every tIme they start a game. Are you one of these?
FIrst of all, I was full on antIcIpatIon of thIs game bearIng In mInd that every world cup game In the past has been rather awfull. The start up scene wasn’t bad and selectIng my team agaIn wasn’t bad, but once the game started I nearly choked and was half tempted to stop rIght there and get my money back.
I played the fIfa 2010 world cup game anyway, and kIcked off the game. The gameplay has been rather slowed down for some reason In fIfa 2010 world cup and thIs makes the game so awful Its unreal. Every maneuver Is so slow I start to thInk before hand, wIll I get out of It In tIme to move the ball agaIn. ShootIng hasn’t Improved eIther, Infact Its rather a backwards step as fInIshIng Is not only dIffIcult you fInd that the dIfference between good and bad goal keepers Is far too notIcable In one on one sItuatIons.
FIfa dId say that the 2010 world cup game, would have a totally dIfferent way In takIng penaltIes and they are not wrong Infact Its probably the only thIng I lIke about the game. I fInd It more satIsfyIng scorIng a penalty wIth a number of aspects than just poInt and power. ThIs In turn makes the goalkeeper feel a touch safer as all he wIll ever do Is choose and dIve.
My overall vIew of the 2010 fIfa world cup game, Is that Its aboslute rubbIsh and not worth any of the money Involved. I stand by what I thInk, fIfa 2010 world cup game would of been a mIllIon tImes better If It was a download content back In FIfa 10, standIng In block buster alot of people traded In FIfa 10 In order to buy It. I feel sorry for every sIngle one of them!!!!