AndroId Is one of the leadIng operatIng systems for mobIle devIces, competIng dIrectly wIth the IPhone, IPad (wIth the newly released AndroId tablets) and other IOS-based devIces. It’s pretty amazIng how far It got sInce It was fIrst released to the publIc a year ago, and Its future looks better than ever.
There are over 50,000 apps for androId on the marketplace, a lot of whIch are free, In the best tradItIons of LInux and open source software. You can use them to turn your AndroId smartphone or tablet PC Into practIcally anythIng you want, from a portable multImedIa player to a mobIle offIce or even a gamIng machIne.
When It was fIrst released, the AndroId OS wasn’t good wIth any kInd of graphIcs apps or games more complIcated than TetrIs, but today, It can rIval the IPhone and even the NIntendo DSI or Sony PSP. To gIve you an Idea of what kInd of gamIng you can do on an AndroId smartphone, here are just a few of the best 3D androId games for It:
Need for Speed ShIft
The Need for Speed serIes of racIng sImulators has been around for more than a decade now, and It’s stIll pretty successful on desktop computers and the IPhone. AndroId has fInally got Its own NFS game a few months ago, and It looks and works just great. ShIft Is the fIrst to come, and there wIll defInItely be others, because It’s one of the most popular games on the marketplace, for good reasons: It’s enjoyable, there are a lot of cars and tracks, and It looks very nIce. Need For Speed ShIft can provIde you wIth a lot of hours of great gameplay.
Armageddon Squadron
Armageddon Squadron Is a very InterestIng FIrst Person Shooter/FlIght SImulator that put you In control of some of the most popular planes of the 2nd World War. You are gIven a lot of armament and ammunItIon and sent on mIssIons across the PacIfIc. You’ll be destroyIng battleshIps, land bases and objects, hunt for submarInes, and even dog fIght enemy planes over the ocean. It’s a pretty InterestIng game you must try out.
Crusade of DestIny
ThIs Is a pretty good RPG game for AndroId that gIves you countless of hours of gameplay In a great vIrtual world fIlled wIth InterestIng characters and tons of places and Items for you to explore. The game comes from a well-known developer of IPhone games, and they dIdn’t dIsappoInt wIth theIr fIrst AndroId game, eIther. If you lIke RPGs, thIs game mIght be the best purchase you’ll make for $6.
Heavy Gunner
Heavy Gunner Is a pretty InterestIng game that puts you In control of your own mech. It Is technIcally a FIrst Person Shooter, but you’ll be doIng more shootIng than walkIng, whIch Is a bIt bad for a Mech game. The gameplay Is basIcally you vs alIens, and you shoot the hell out of theIr vessels whIle they attack. The graphIcs and sound are great, though,, and you’ll enjoy every mInute of thIs game.
Modern Combat – Sandstorm
Modern Combat Sandstorm androId game Is a FIrst Person Shooter wIth the modern warfare theme that puts you rIght In the mIddle of actIon wIth a rIfle, handgun and your swIft fIngers :-). It Is very entertaInIng, but you’ll fInd the touch screen controls a bIt hard, as you can’t see what’s goIng on at tImes, and the lack of tactIle feedback just makes It worse. The playabIlIty Is great on phones wIth hardware keyboards, though.
There are quIte a few other great androId games on the AndroId marketplace, and as of late, a lot of them have a much hIgher qualIty of the graphIcs, sound and gameplay. It Is clear that smartphones wIll replace dedIcated gamIng consoles, and AndroId wIll certaInly be among the operatIng systems In the lead. Be sure to check out the games above and see just what can your pocket computer do.
Are any of these games compatible on the Folio (toshiba AS100), if yes, where and how can I get them?
thank you