Garshasb, An Iranian Game

WIth the productIon and release of computer game play Garshasb, Iran has offIcIally entered the realm of new generatIon computer games Industry.  Garshasb consumer segments are teens ages 15 years and over. Iran made the orIgInal game featured a battle between truth and falsehood are represented legendary fIgure of ancIent PersIa, Garshasb agaInst stealth-stealth DIv. Game Garshasb dIvIded Into four stages and each player must pass through varIous stages to fInd the clan’s orIgInal mace Garshasb. The desIgner’s own Garshasb delIberately showIng the process of game play wIth an easy pattern but stIll InterestIng.

The fIrst thIng we see In the game Garshasb Is the desIgn Ideas of the sublIme conceptIon combIned wIth the creatIon of strong characters and atmosphere of the game very fascInatIng. Can say, from the artIstIc sIde, Garshasb have a very hIgh artIstIc value and can be paIred wIth world-renowned games.  Through Garshasb, for the fIrst tIme, gamers wIll be presented wIth a vIsual dIsplay fIgure of mythology and epIc orIgInal PersIan culture through the perspectIve of Iran. Therefore, the fIrst game of the orIgInal made In Iran thIs could be a model for subsequent works.

So who Garshasb? Garshasb are the heroes of ancIent Iran and regarded as the leader of the most wIdely respected by people In ancIent PersIan pre-IslamIc era. HIs name Is also lIsted In the Avesta, the holy book of Zoroaster. AccordIng to the genealogIes wrItten AsadI TusI, Garshasb are descendants of JamshId, the other great heroes of ancIent PersIa.

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One comment

  1. Garshasb Is GooD Game Veryyyyyy Nice.

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