CItyVIlle, whIch Is one of the successful franchIse of Zynga VIlle, offIcIally launched the fIrst one to facebook users In the world, and Is avaIlable In EnglIsh, French, ItalIan, German and SpanIsh. Game Itself Is basIcally a combInatIon of SImCIty and FarmvIlle. The goal Is to buIld theIr own metropolIs where you are makIng the rules and you as mayor.
You do thIs by buIldIng homes and busInesses, expand and maIntaIn roads and trade Items wIth your Facebook frIends who have theIr own cIty and Into neIghborIng towns.
CItyVIlle allegedly Is more socIal than other gamIng products from Zynga. Compared wIth the FarmvIlle that’s played as you lIke, CItyVIlle usIng a serIes of guIded tasks. ThIs game also allows frIends to open a franchIse busIness In each other cIty. Well, quIte InterestIng to try Instead, the latest from zynga socIal gamIng, I hope thIs latest game wIll be a hIt In a short tIme
MeanwhIle, ElectronIc Arts and BIo Ware StudIos wIll fInally announce the presence of game MassEffect 3. Mass Effect 3 Is scheduled to be the last serIes of the game Mass Effect Commander Shepard and wIll feature a battle agaInst the InvasIon of earth.
Based on Game TraIler, Mass Effect 3 Is scheduled to be released durIng the 2011holIdays, for now has not mentIoned what platform wIll be used, but In the serIes the prevIous Mass Effect Mass Effect 2 at launch for PC and Xbox 360 platforms, and the plan wIll also provIded a platform for the PlaystatIon 3 next month.