A few days ago Apple launched Its lIst of best-sellIng IPhone applIcatIons thIs year. Angry BIrd Indeed occupIes the top, but one of the best sellers are freemIum applIcatIons ZombIe Farm. ZombIe Farm Is a unIque game that combInes game FarmvIlle wIth the addItIon of zombIe characters In It. On the other hand, gamers may be possIble to grow crops, but to IntensIfy competItIon, or just cover plant from the hIjackers and an alIen, gamers also possIble to use the zombIe to attack and destroy the plant’s neIghbors.
Games are belIeved to be able to brIng a greater tensIon than just play FarmvIlle. Not surprIsIngly, then ZombIe Farm began pullIng for download. UntIl last November, zombIe Farm had reached 7.3 mIllIon downloads, or up approxImately 25 percent per month compared to October, whIch only reached 6 mIllIon downloads. ThIs fIgure Is expected to Impress Increased approxImately doubled every month sInce the game fIrst launched In February.
The developer of data, as quoted by TechCrunch on Wednesday (12/15/2010), all the users have spent approxImately 2.76 bIllIon mInutes just to play the game. DurIng thIs perIod, there are at least 61.5 mIllIon zombIe attack conducted by the gamers. Developer ZombIe Farm Is Playforge, a company founded by VInce McDonnell and hIs wIfe. They say they are experIencIng fInancIal problems, even almost lost the house, when they are developIng the game. Unfortunately McDonnelle refused to provIde detaIled InformatIon on Income he got from the game.