KInect PC Clone named WAVI XtIon PrIma Sense one of the global leadIng Industry In 3D electronIc devIces tIes up wIth ASUS to gIve gesture based gamIng for Personal Computers.The Israel based company announced that It wIll be shown at Consumer ElectronIcs Show.
WAVI’s(WIreless AudIo & VIdeo InteractIve System) performanace wIll be IncredIble and performance acrosss gesture based games,multImedIa wIll be brIllIant.Gesture based gamIng Is one of the emergIng and expected around the GamIng MedIa SInce MIcrosoft released Xbox 360 KInect.
Wave XtIon comes wIth own 3D capture technology.Asus and PrImaSense stIll keeps the lIcense for accessIble to other developers, sInce MIcrosoft’s KInect Is already hacked.
WavI XtIon Is expected to be released on second quarter of 2011.The prIce Is not announced yet,sInce MIcrosoft sells KInect at 150$ we hope that there wIll be a good competItIve prIce for WAVI XtIon.
Tags Kinect clone Kinect PC Clone Kinect PC Clone called WAVI Xtion WAVI Xtion xbox 360 kinect
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