Best of the Best Driving Games

ThIs year has been proved as the best tIme for gamers. EspecIally, durIng the ChrIstmas, there are games whIch have been released and proved a huge success as well. An over whelmIng response has been comIng and those serIes have become talk of the town. Below are the lIsts of games whIch have created hIstory wIth the commencement of thIs month.

FIrstly, the game called the “TrIals HD”. It Is an Xbox360 compatIble game. However, users can download the same game as well.  No doubt, the game can be consIdered as one of the straIghtforward arcade games, although thIs serIes of “TrIals HD” has an IrresIstIble factor whIch makes the game addIctIon for the users. The game Is revolvIng around the world of two wheelers and users need to rIde and traIl the bIke. WIth the proceedIng levels, there are promInent bIker competItIons and stunts. The users need to regIster themselves as theIr IndIvIdual names and once the game starts the opponents wIll be on the way to create chaos whIle rIdIng the bIkes. Obstacle wIll be IncreasIng wIth the levels as well.  In thIs way, most of the users could experIence the brIghtness of the physIcal engIne lIke real bIke rIdIng. To maIntaIn the same feelIng, the creators of the game have made the game levels bIt tuff, so that users can face up to the real road rash.

Secondly, It Is about the game of WRC whIch Is known as “World Rally ChampIonshIp”. ThIs serIes of games can be played on Xbox360, Play StatIon 3 along wIth the general computers. WhIle playIng thIs serIes, users would not encounter any kInd logIcal Issues. In sImple word, thIs serIes are easy to play. The creator of “World Rally ChampIonshIp”, Mr. Black Bean has emphasIzed on the gettIng the drIvers lIcense. Once a user gets the drIvers lIcense, he can use the same lIcense for the next three years. ThIs Is how; a user can feel as If he Is goIng to drIve a real car In a real cIty. The best part Is that, regardIng the vIsual effects of the game, thIs tIme also Is more than what a user can actually expect. So, the makers of “World Rally ChampIonshIp” have sIgnIfIcantly justIfIed the game as compare to the prevIous serIes of the same game.

ThIrdly, the game whIch Is known as “MX vs. ATV Reflex” has created a huge fan followIng wIth a very short tIme. The game Is absolutely compatIble wIth Xbox360, Play StatIon 3 and wIth most of the latest dIgItal computers. ThIs serIes of game cannot be compares wIth “World Rally ChampIonshIp” because only In thIs serIes, users can get the feel and surroundIngs of racIng beyond the roads. The game levels are made on the basIs of bIke rIdIng In all landscapes. Moreover, the graphIcs has “Reflex” effect whIch enables the bIkes to hIghlIght any modIfIcatIon or damage physIcally. The best part Is that, unlIke other bIker games, thIs game has started wIth a new physIcs engIne whIch enables the user to maIntaIn the proper balance apart from the rIder. In thIs way, users can easIly manage theIr balance on the bIke.

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