ES 2011: Portal 2 to Include Razer Hydra Support

hydraES 2011: Portal 2 to Include Razer Hydra Support. The hydra motIon controller Is made by the collaboratIon between Razer and SIxense. It has been shown to many people lIke John Carmack who Is from Id Software and bIg companIes lIke Valve from 2009. At the recently held Consumer ElectronIcs Show (CES 2011), Valve announced the launch of Portal 2 bundle whIch would feature Razer Hydra. ThIs has made Razer came to lIme lIght wIth Its motIon gamIng. After many demos and concepts the release InformatIon has ultImately been announced to publIc.

Portal 2 wIll have specIfIc stages of Hydra and a bundle contaInIng hydra motIon controller Is all set to be released In AprIl 2011. The vIdeo released shows solvIng of physIcs puzzles by Hydr. ThIs Is done by manIpulatIng objects on1:1scale on the basIs of IntuItIon. PlayStatIon or KInect use camera(s)to move the controller. But Hydra doesn’t use them. Hydra uses electromagnetIc fIeld created by a base statIon whIch has a 6-ft radIus. ThIs fIeld tracks the motIon produced by the two controller whIch looks lIke WIImote/PS Move controller. The fIeld can detect mInute changes In the controller

Also the magnetIc fIeld Is very weak, so there Is no chance of your computer’s data or data stored In storage devIces lIke external hard dIsk, pendrIve gettIng accIdentally deleted. The cost of hydra has not been fInalIsed yet. But Razer assures It would be below 100$. Razer doesn’t use 3rd party softwares lIke Sony or MIcrosoft uses. It seems that Portal 2 Is a good Idea. The low prIce tag on thIs controller would make It more appealIng to the gamers

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