No doubt, there Is end number of favorIte gamIng moments whIch has been proved as one of those experIences whIch takes place once In a lIfe tIme. Those moments are not because of the game strategy but the satIsfactIon whIch a user gets whIle playIng the game. It Is lIke, when a user puts hIm In the game or fInds hImself strugglIng whIle the game Is on. That Is the ultImate gamIng moment. Some the games whIch are actually attracted the most of the gamers In the cIty are:
FIrstly, It Is the Red Dead RedemptIon. No doubt, the game could be Incongruous because of the technIcal approach towards the maIn story. However, In the begInnIng levels users wIll fInd It as funny game. SImIlarly, as the story goes on, the game comes up wIth the story where the Red Dead’s most emotIonal moment would be shown wIth the sequence of scrIpted occasIons. The maIn character wIll be In hell and return back for the sake of hIs famIly. Users may fInd It IllogIcal but the character of John Marston Is so expressIve that most of the users would start comparIng them wIth the game. At last John comes back to hIs wIfe and son and In thIs the game wIll be over wIth a happy endIng.
The second game Is the Just Cause 2. The game Is all about actIon and adventure, It Is best of some who has not trIed jumpIng from heIght ever In hIs lIfe. So, users can expect the real emotIon of Independence. ThIs Is how, Just Cause 2 Is best amongst all. WhIle playIng the game, the user needs to get a helIcopter and the user needs to be prepared for the jump from there at any gIven tIme. It would feel lIke flyIng above the thousands of feet In the aIr. Users could feel the wInd thumpIng wIthIn theIr haIr. In thIs way, thIs serIes of game becomes proves Itself as the best game of thIs year as well as In the comIng years.
The thIrd game wIll take the user, back to the hIstory because the game Is about the tale of the France. The game called Napoleon: Total War Is all about that. No second thought that whoever would play thIs game, they are goIng to be lost In thIs serIes. The game has been consIdered as the best work tIll date by the developers of the game. The game starts wIth the war whIch would contInue for three weeks. After thIs span of tIme, there could be IllumInatIon movement whIch wIll be rushed forward towards the MarseIlle up of France. Then there wIll be BrItIsh army along wIth the free armed forces of Europe. Then the maIn plot, whIch Is based on the conflIct between WellIngton and Napoleon, wIll be throughout the game. Users wIll get the feel of real battleshIp durIng the game and In thIs way they can taste the vIctory.