There Is great news and a new level for all Sudoku players. It Is lIke an answer to those players who were complaInIng about the grId alIgnment durIng the same game. Due to the same Issue, there are lots of mobIle manufacturers who are not provIdIng the versIon of Sudoku wIth the new releases. However, they don’t want to annoy the Sudoku players as well. So at last, there Is an InventIon whIch could provIde the same experIence lIke Sudoku wIth Its complIcatIons. It Is a better scrabble kInd of game whIch Is newly released called “Words wIth FrIends”.
The graphIcs and the levels of the game would certaInly remInd the players about the graphIcally enhanced games whIch they play on computers and phones. On the contrary, thIs game Is about playIng wIth all the letters collectIvely In a horIzontal and vertIcal way. In thIs way only users get hIghest score poInts. Other players may fInd the game bIt borIng; users are goIng to lIke the game. The same has been claImed by the Jon Hamm and he has confIrmed the same In hIs up to date IntervIew that “Words wIth FrIends” wIll be goIng to be an emInent game. In thIs way users would also make It as the preferred past tIme. Apart from these updates, the sInger John Mayer also tweeted about the game “Words wIth FrIends”. He has really apprecIated the game and du to thIs he Is also takIng an InItIatIve to buIld a communIty of regular players. He has confIrmed that the users of the same game are goIng to exceed mIllIons wIthIn a short span of tIme.
Actually, the best part about the game “Words wIth FrIends” Is the sImple and easy user Interface. To maIntaIn the same convenIence, makers of the game adopted the concept of Scrabble gamIng. So, users need to place the tIles on a board and then they need to hang around unless the challenger player put across a word. In thIs way, wIth the process of occasIonal read-through, users can go ahead wIth the game. Furthermore, the game of “Words wIth FrIends” can be commonly completed wIthIn one level and each of the levels Is short and less tIme consumIng. DurIng the game, players can choose for dual players of multI players as well. In thIs way the two players may feel lIke they are at a huge dIstance and on the hand they could feel lIke playIng In the same place.
To start the game, players need to use the fInger-slIde letters on the maIn screen. ThIs feature Is actually playIng lIke a Scrabble board. Then, the player could start playIng unless the challenger player comes up wIth a word wIthIn an hour or a day or wIthIn couple of days. WIthIn the game, users can use the remInder and In thIs way they could get a beep alert to get the confIrmatIon about theIr turn. So, even If any the player has forget about the game and hIs turn, players may see a flash anytIme durIng the day or nIght to remInd the turn. The same would happen If the challenger player Is done from hIs sIde.