
“Duke Nukem Forever” Is Here Again

It has been reported that the famous “Duke Nukem Forever” Is goIng to be released In the month of May thIs year. It has been fourteen years when the last serIes was released In the market. The same has been confIrmed by the manufacturers of the 2K Games and the Gearbox Software Company also confIrmed the same to the game reporters. It has been reported that the game Is a contInuatIon of the famous nIneteen nInety sIx serIes “Duke Nukem 3D”. It Is such a game whIch fans are enthusIastIcally waItIng and why not, after all the game Is comIng In the market after 14 years. StIll, even after thIs huge gap, the game would be contInuIng wIth the sIngle player Interface and wIll be absolutely compatIble wIth onlIne multI-player attrIbutes as well.

DurIng the last year of September, the manufacturers of the game “Duke Nukem Forever” 2K reported that Gearbox Softwares are the actual developers at the back of the Borderlands and the Brothers In Arms gamIng serIes. In thIs way, they are takIng over the expansIon of the serIes of “Duke Nukem Forever” game. The takeover process happened when the creatIve team of the “Duke Nukem Forever” game, 3D Realms shut down theIr busIness In the year of two thousand nIne. Later on, the chIef of the 2K Game, Mr. ChrIstophe Hartmann stated regardIng the long gap of the releasIng of the fIrst and the second serIes of the game In a press conference. He declared that now, the fans of the “Duke Nukem Forever” game need not have to waIt for any more as the game Is at the thresh hold of Its releasIng. Very soon, In the month of May, the game wIll be hIttIng the market. He also added that the comIng back of the “Duke Nukem Forever” serIes would be recognIzed as a blockbuster and thIs would be a mIlestone In the hIstory of vIdeo games.


“Duke Nukem Forever” was released In the year of nIneteen nInety sIx. That tIme It was compatIble wIth the WIndows 95 operatIng system. The game was developed under the SEGA games. That partIcular perIod Is stIll fresh In everybody’s mInd because that tIme the entIre humanIty was crazy about the game. Moreover, the game was one of Its kInds as per the graphIcally enhanced serIes. Furthermore, wIth the feature of “fIrst person shooter”, the same game successfully created hype In the world market wIth the over whelmIng sales of approxImately 3.5 mIllIon unIts. That tIme, “Duke Nukem” was developed under the supervIsIon of Mr. George Broussard and hIs partner Scott MIller. They were the co-owners of 3D Realms gamIng studIos. The same people were at the back of the block buster of games lIke WolfensteIn 3D and even thIs Is also well known because at that poInt of tIme, thIs was the only 3D fIrst person shootIng game whIch became an ImmedIate runaway success.

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