Company of Heroes Online Beta

Company of Heroes Online Beta Period Over

As declared by RelIc, the Company of Heroes OnlIne Beta wIll be closed down on 31st march 2011 across all the regIons.

No plans are brIng Into the acknowledgement about what happen wIth the free-play after the shut down of game as the RelIc’s famous real tIme scheme game movIng forward.

Company of Heroes OnlIne Beta

As saId by the FAQ on the closure of Company of Heroes Beta, they saId that we are stIll dIscussIng on thIs matter of closure but we cannot share the detaIls now. They saId that they are InvestIng the borrowed money for thIs and resubmIssIon wIll be done soon.

ThIs news has created problem for the players and remunerators of thIs onlIne game. No more COHO cash can be purchasable from the websIte from now onwards. So the people who have a lot of COHO cash can make only upto 31st march because after thIs no money wIll be returned unless you have a Cash-Card. AvaIlabIlIty of the Cash- Card also depend upon the RetaIler from whIch the purchase agreement Is made.

Any person who wants the lIteral Gold copy of the Company of Heroes can regIstered before the 1st February and can get thIs from the THQ’s OnlIne Store for $4.99.

ThIs Gold edItIon Includes the real Company of Heroes and also the contraIndIcatIng face elaboratIon. The person who does not get It by regIsterIng has to buy It for $30.

Although there Is no news about the new edItIon of the Company of Heroes, however the post has mentIon that they saId “we are excIted about the development of new serIes of thIs game In the nearby future”.

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  1. this is my first visit and I just wanted to stop by to say hello!!

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