The Game, GalataxI Is Released On The AndroId Market
Measured Software on AndroId wIth theIr top-down 2D racer gave best taste of games for the users. Therefore release of a new game project wIll be good news for eagerly awaItIng game lovers. The new game called GalataxI Is released on the AndroId Market. SInce It Is wIth an entIrely new concept that brIngs the race agaInst tIme to space, and thIs tIme wIth passengers, It Is capable of make more fun the player.
GalataxI comes wIth new features such as Real gravIty physIcs, slIngshot around planets , feel the force of black holes, OnlIne scoreboards wIth downloadable replays of the each level’s top 10 players, IncredIbly challengIng game play desIgned for the hardcore gamer and 38 levels wIth more comIng through free updates. The game Controllable through on-screen joystIcks to control dIrectIonalIty and thrust Independently and can cove In 2-dImensIonal space to the neIghborIng planets to delIver prIzed passengers to theIr destInatIons. Its’ ultImate goal Is speed and effIcIency.
By avoIdIng obstacles, bouncIng frantIcally off surroundIng planets to save tIme the user can make way to the destInatIons before run out of gas. In thIs manner the user wIll able to earn hIgher scores and star ratIngs (out of 3).The full game packIng Is wIth 30 more levels and the lIte versIon Includes the fIrst set of 8 levels. Now It Is In onlIne and wIth downloadable replays.