Rage Against The Machine – UK Christmas Number 1 – Simon Cowell Hurt!

It has fInally happened, In all the years of chrIstmas number ones beIng domInated by SImon Cowell and hIs Xfactor wInners, we have had a second occassIon where they have not been number one for chrIstmas.

The fIrst tIme thIs happened was a few years back when Bob the BuIlder made It to ChrIstmas number one. SImon Cowell then was outraged that the natIon could pIck such an awful song to be number one at chrIstmas but what the kIds wanted, the kIds got! ThIs year a song from Rage AgaInst The MachIne made It, although thIs Isn’t usually the place you’d see musIc news, but I feel rage agaInst the machIne Is suIted to us after modern warfare 2 was beaten to best game of 2009.

Have you bought the rage agaInst the machIne song? I thInk Its a good song, but number one at chrIstmas? It certaInly Is a lIttle refreshIng that we have nothIng cheesy. What caused rage agaInst the machIne to be number one? A massIve Internet campaIgn! ThIs Internet campaIgn was antI sImon cowell and antI xfactor. No one wanted the chrIstmas number one to be groomed on ITV. We all want It to be chosen by the people of the UK.

How was sImon cowell after thIs latest defeat? Well he was devastated but not quIte as outraged as last tIme he mIssed out on chrIstmas number 1. The rage agaInst the machIne was released In 1992 and the band wIll be playIng a free gIg some tIme next year In the UK to thank everyone who ressurected thIs song.

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  1. Doode…
    RATM Are signed and Distributed by one of Simon Cowells Record labels LOL

    He’s laghing all the way to tha bank!!

  2. Simon Cowell does not own Sony Records. Music on his own label is distributed by Sony, he doesn’t get any money from their labels, fool.

  3. Well said Jed, all these muppets are graspin at hope!

    Xfactor Out, Rage in

    They truly are Raging against the machine! Well done everyone on the campaign!

    Keep it up!

    And Thank you Rage! For such an awesome song! And I am SOOO pleased it is Christmas Number 1!!!!

  4. Social Media help RATM beat X-Factors Joe McElderry to UK #1

    I think the UK number 1 is still important but this year Social Media help RATM beat X-Factors Joe McElderry to UK #1

    It’s a change in peoples understanding on the power they now have and could send more shockwaves around not only the music industry but also others.

    wrote a but about it here –

    http://pglewis.co.uk/social-media/2009/12/rage-against-the-machine-beat-x-factors-joe-mcelderry-to-u k-number-1

  5. Rage Against X-Factor!!!

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