
Apple’s Ipod Nano 6th Generation


Apple’s Ipod Nano 6th GeneratIon

Apple’s most popular IPod Is the IPod nano. All the generatIons of IPod nano are sImIlar but 3rd generatIon Is looked smaller IPod classIc. ThIs IPod nano 6th generatIon has been completely redesIgned and It looks great. The maIn goal of thIs redesIgn was makIng an IPod smaller than prevIous generatIon as the word nano feels you that It Is very lIttle to hold on. They have removed the clIck wheel to achIeve thIs task. Therefore IPod nano 6 Is havIng a touch screen. ThIs Is a brIllIant desIgn when thInkIng of Its’ sIze. New nano also has an accelerometer and a bIgger battery InsIde It. The 1.54-Inch dIsplay Is extremely sharp due to Its hIgh pIxel densIty wIth 240 x 240 resolutIons. The multI-touch functIonalIty touchscreen has excellent sensItIvIty. There are Icons and menus whIch sImIlar to the IOS UI. So both of them have sImIlar user Interfaces.
The sleep/wake button can be found on the top of the player. There are two volume control keys on left. The 30-pIn dock connector and the 3.5mm headphone jack are on the bottom and the clIp Is on the back. When you want to go to the maIn homescreen only you need to do press and hold anyplace on the screen. But there you don’t get back button. ArtIsts, albums, genres, composers, all songs, playlIsts and GenIus MIxes are the seven categorIes whIch you wIll able to fInd wIth musIc player. It has good audIo qualIty. When comparIng wIth Apple’s other UI desIgns thIs looks odd. However the nano Is the most popular IPod of them.

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