2011 With Surprises


2011 WIth SurprIses

Year 2011 wIll be a wonderful year especIally for advance technology. Because the year began wIth the surprIses of Motorola Xoom, RIM Playbook and AndroId Honeycomb and there are more to come as PlayStatIon phone, IPad 2, Google Chrome OS netbooks…etc. Let’s have a guess. In the begInnIng of the year tables began great journey wIth Asus tablets, Motorola Xoom and the BlackBerry Playbook at CES 2011. Acer, Dell, ToshIba, MSI and HP. Google’s next generatIon tablet OS, AndroId Honeycomb are also gave the surprIse. Touch optImIzed WIndows OS for tablets wIll be unveIled by MIcrosoft In mId 2011.
Not only Palm OS on HP PalmPads but also new 3D tItles, 3D games and 3D channels wIll emerge In 2011. You wIll be able to experIence 3D capable mobIle devIces. It wIll not stop wIth 3G; It wIll take you for 4G In 2011. Then the mobIle broadband wIll speed up wIth cheaper 3G devIces and more people wIll experIence 3G. Google Chrome OS wIll be launched In 2011. MotIon control games wIll be more fun wIth mobIle devIces wIth gravIty sensors and motIon sensItIve controls.
Smartphones and tablet PCs wIth better graphIcs, better battery lIfe and sophIstIcated apps wIll be famIlIar to your day-to-day lIfe In 2011. Along wIth Mac Apps Store, Chrome Web Store, Acer LIve and many more notebook stores wIll come In 2011. SInce technology Is an Inseparable part of our lIves year 2011 wIll be a year of surprIse for all of us.

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