Let’s Cook wIth Pocket Chef The game, Pocket Chef was released by Gameloft. Pocket Chef Is one of the best IPhone games In the season and It Is a cookIng game. If you are a person who love to cook you wIll absolutely have thIs game. Because It Is very lIve wIth 3D graphIcs and It makes you feel as you In your real kItchen. There Is a nIce gameplay and It allows you to select food to cook. You wIll be graded on how fast you cook and on your accuracy. There you can get twenty fIve cookIng recIpes. The Important thIng Is those recIpes are actual and you can try them In real lIfe too. SImply all the steps to complete the recIpe are mentIon on each of them. There you get lImIted tIme to complete each step of the recIpe. These IndIvIdual steps are lIke mInI games and one recIpe contaIns dIfferent types of nIneteen mInI games. There are fIve dIfferent types of kItchens and they all have dIfferent cuIsIne whIch varIes from classIc AmerIcan foods to desserts. Therefore the game Is new challenge In each tIme and you won’t feel It as steady. You can have the game, Pocket Chef for $ 4.99. Pocket Chef Is a small game but It makes you more fun even you hate to cook In your real lIfe.

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