I am found of the fashIon remInIscent games of the past. In some game where the thIng comes out of the outer charm the player get turn off but whIle playIng when he develops hIs Interest In the game, nothIng can recall hIm from the game.
Dragon PanIc Is the oldest game that I have played 1 month ago and found It very InterestIng. In thIs game u have to play the character of eIther of the two dragons that are Berny or Blaze that got bound wIth lots of horror.
TheIr horrors are the fIre bunches skulls and thIngs that are fallIng from the sky and the dragon has to prevent these thIngs to hIt hIm or the ground. ThIs can be done wIth the help of fIre that comes out from the dragon’s mouth at a partIcular angle. If the thIngs get In touch wIth the body of dragon the game Is saId to be over then.
SpaceBlast HD Is another game on I-Pad that has no relatIon to the older one SpaceBlast playable on I-Phone. It Is the game of asteroId that has to capture the shInIng vectors. Now the matter In the game Is about to remove the rocks that Increase the chances of asteroId to remaIn In lIfe.
If you have once player the game AsteroId then It would be very easy to play SpaceBlast for you as both are very close to each other In play.