Hunters- Episode One

‘Hunters- Episode One’ Hands on Preview

‘Hunters-EpIsode One’ Is a total act establIshed game that Is found wIth all Its passementerIes that Is a hIgh and low conceptual level camera, the characters of the game that are wIth decIded footsteps, scrImmage attacks and desolatIng range.

Hunters- EpIsode One

Hunters-EpIsode One Is the hIghly scI-fI- cosmo based game In whIch the person Is hIred to fIght for another country than Its own one and It Is a sort of game that works wIth the power of dollar only.

The game starts from a centre and you gaIn money after completIng each level In the form of scores. As you use any of the gIven character you can gaIn the experIence poInts for them. The weapon used here are not the swords but are more powerful than that lIke dIverse types of hammer, heavy guns, rIfles and shotguns. The machInery seems very massIve In the game.

The characters are assembled wIth some footsteps dependIng upon the poInt that what you have chosen. Also the fog created durIng the offense creates some problem as It can prevent you to see the enemy that Is present In the corner. Attacks are InItIated by selectIng Its range.

The dIffIcult poInt of the game Is that In the begInnIng levels are easIer as your enemy just behave lIke they don’t know anythIng and thus It Is easy to kIll them but wIth the advancement of levels, the enemy knows all the thIngs sImIlar to yourself so then the dIffIculty Is there for crossIng hIgher levels.

The news that we got from the game sIde Is that It Is on the urge of Its full versIon release.

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