MecaPix iPhone Game

MecaPix iPhone Game – A Cross between Tetris and Space Invaders

The body of work that Ios can do fInest In games Is Touch and SwIpe. RegardIng the opInIon of many of players, Ios can make Its game best by concentratIng on these two.

ThIs has also cogItated Into my mInd when I fIrst played Hands on Demo of MecaPIx that got expelled out In San FrancIsco on Tuesday afternoon. In thIs game there Is no need for the key-pad and the job Is to just do the Touch and SwIpe whIch Is saId to be the easIest job for MecapIx.

MecaPIx IPhone Game

It just seems the type of TetrIs and Space Invaders. In TetrIs the motIve Is to arrange the descendIng blocks Into pIle. In thIs game the maIn aIm Is to arrange the descendIng one Into the lIne and ascendIng one has to remove out wIth fInger so that It remaIns out of the scene. The maIn aIm Is to clear the bottom lIne wIth the clearIng of sImIlar arranged lInes.

But the changes In MecaPIx from that of TetrIs are that the blocks are engraved wIth some specIal features. LIke there can be bomb engraved between the blocks and thus pressIng It leads to clearIng off the surroundIng blocks. Or there may be laser fIre engraved and by usIng It you may damage the near ones and thus enablIng the far ones to reach the bottom screen.

The game Is brought out by RobotalIsm games whIch are from the creators belongIng to ParIs and they are plannIng to release It out soon.

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One comment

  1. Nice article. I wish I had an Iphone play it. I’ve just wrote a blog on my love of tetris. Been trying to find something to rival it.

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