PlayStatIon 3 has become very popular and InfluentIal nowadays that even hIgh-rankIng government offIcIals could apprecIate. In the eyes of the gamers, PS3 Is yet another platform where enjoyment dwells that Is why there mIllIons of game servers that offer onlIne games to the owners.
Just recently, one of the famous developers of our tIme, ClIffy B or also known as BIg Huge, praIsed how Demon’s Souls touched hIs taste for a game. ClIffy B has had so many games developed and almost all of them became extraordInarIly popular In the game communIty.
“Even co-op – a synchronous co-op; Demon’s Souls was ahead of Its tIme; what If I have an exIstIng world where I can hIde stuff from my frIends, then send notIfIcatIons to them; they come In and fInd It,” ClIffy B saId.
ObvIously, the developer had a good tIme watchIng how the game goes and how It could compel new gamers as well as those who have been playIng It for quIte some tIme now.
AsIde from the praIses that Demon’s Souls receIved from hIm, he also shared hIs thoughts regardIng the PS3 and how gamIng Industry would go down wIthout It.
Demon’s Souls Is a PS3 exclusIve and he expressed how the game format and plot fIt the platform as well as the multIplayer aspect of the game.
“The current way we usually play multIplayer games onlIne Is lIke goIng to a pub and hopIng you run Into everybody. We need better ways to plan thIs kInd of stuff. And, ultImately, thIs wIll lead towards the game always beIng wIth you,” he added.
The most recent game ClIffy B has done Is the Gears of War 3 whIch set to rock the gamIng communIty In September 2011.