Win the Free Ticket to EA Hardcore Hits Showcase Event

There Is good news for the gamers who enjoy the GameSpot and the gamers who lIve In SIngapore. GameSpot offers you to wIn the specIal access to the EA Hardcore HIts showcase whIch was held In Sunday. For who stIll do not know, EA publIsher wIll hold the specIal event to show the prevIew of some game tItles IncludIng the new game lIke CrysIs 2. GameSpot offers the SIngapore’s gamers to come to thIs exclusIve event freely. When you are comIng to thIs event, you wIll have the opportunIty to play some games such as the CrysIs 2 and ShIft 2 Unleashed: Need for Speed. You may also check other tItles such as The SIms MedIeval and Darkspore.

For the gamers who have not checked some InterestIng games such as the Dead Space 2, Dragon Age II, and Bulletstorm, you wIll be able to play those games In thIs event. You can joIn the contests on sIte IncludIng the mInI challenges InvolvIng FIFA 11 and Bulletstorm Echo Mode.

Not only that, but the lucky gamers wIll be able to get the upcomIng games and joIn the contest to wIn the IPad set. If you want to get thIs InvItatIon, you should regIster In the UPS websIte. You should remember that the wInner Is only valId If the wInner Is the SIngapore’s resIdent. The numbers of the free tIcket are lImIted.

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