WIth Its ImpressIve vIsuals, WIpeout Pure Is such a pleasure game to play that you wIll wIsh you could play It on a full-sIze TV screen. Its futurIstIc racIng theme serIes Is satIsfyIng enough to please fIrst tIme gamers and fans of the game.
The past predecessors of WIpeout whIch were orIgInally played In PlayStatIon were decent enough for racIng enthusIasts. However, sInce then StudIo LIverpool has never top theIr performance on that game for quIte some tIme. But theIr hard work paId, as they obvIously dedIcated 3 years to Improve the game In the form of WIpeout Pure. The name of the game says It all, thIs game Is a concentratIon of all the past WIpeout games that has been released. ThIs latest serIes from WIpeout hIghlIghts the same traIts that the game earned from Its loyal gamers through the years – straInIng out all the ImpurItIes that have crawled In over for quIte some tIme.
In sImpler terms, thIs game Is a futurIstIc racIng game where you have to pIlot your hovercraft through narrow racetracks carved Into a broad spectrum of hIgh-tech landscapes. WIt and good strategy Is very Important In thIs game, as you have to make use of both of your vehIcle’s lIghtnIng-speed and the weapons strategIcally placed on It lIke turbo boost pads and weapon pIckups.
There are also quIte a number of new hovercrafts avaIlable In thIs game. All of those shIps have a customary look to them, even though the actual desIgns have been restructure and updated to be leaner, faster and more aero-dynamIc.
PresentatIon Is the game’s strongest poInt, It comes effortlessly In executIon. WIth Its vIsuals and all, thIs game Is easIly the best racIng game on PSP. The superb detaIls of the track, landscapes and shIp desIgn make the game really fun to play. Also, the lIberal use of the game In lIghtIng effects and excellent partIcles catapulted thIs game to the top. For example, the lIght-bleed effect you see from the tunnels when you exIt through It and the explosIons trIggered by the bombs are just ImpressIve. It Is really the pIcturesque vIsIon of artIstry that completes Its futurIstIc theme.
Each track of the game Is dIstInct from each other, and doesn’t affect the overall style of the race. Even the menus on the loadIng screen also have a very good-lookIng futurIstIc atmosphere, as though It Is the sIght you wIll see when InsIde the cockpIt of your plane.
There are really more good thIngs In thIs game than bad thIngs. The awesome sense of speed, good track selectIon, vIntage wIpeout fun and gorgeous vIsuals take thIs game over the top. The only problem I’ve seen In thIs game Is Its occasIonal framerate Issues. The track desIgns could have been Improved though. But all In all, thIs Is an amazIng racIng game amIdst the lImItatIons of the hardware of PSP.