The engIneers of Sony CorporatIon were perplexed last month, for an IncIdent that was predIctably a harmful technIcal error. At that tIme, several servers that were runnIng PlayStatIon Network were turned off unexpectedly, and turned back on by themselves after few seconds. As aforementIoned, thIs rebootIng IncIdent was belIeved to be odd malfunctIon, whIch mIght happen In several other servers.
Nevertheless, just the next day engIneers who are workIng In Sony CorporatIon found out a shockIng evIdence about the exIstence of Intruder In the company’s PlayStatIon Network system. FollowIng thIs fIrst fIndIng, the company fInally decIded to shut down PlayStatIon Network for a whIle. The shut down of the popular onlIne gamIng network was called as “the almost unprecedented step” by several onlIne news medIa.
RegardIng the temporary shut down, Sony Corp. ChIef ExecutIve Howard StrInger announced an apology to users and account owners. Another apology was announced by StrInger as there was an Issue of IdentIty theft on PlayStatIon Network; the offIcIal announcement of the theft was Indeed a bIt late. It Is predIcted that Sony Corp has spent around a bIllIon dollars for new securIty and another bIllIon for Insurance polIcy. The trouble, anyway, started In January thIs year, followIng the company’s sue agaInst 21-year-old software wIz named George Hotz.