Speed up your car and let’s start for racIng tIme! GRID Is one of popular racIng game of console for PC, Xbox 360 as well as DS. ThIs racIng game has many optIons of sporty and luxurIous vehIcles. The most Important thIng Is they are hIgh qualIty detaIled, so you wIll them almost the same as the real cars. In other hand, GRID game of console Is avaIlable vIa onlIne. For thIs case, GRID Is able to be played by 12 players through onlIne mode. If you fInIsh the race, you can watch the race replay, further you can flashback the actIon of devastatIng crashes or costly mIstake. Yes, by usIng a new flashback feature, players can replay any actIons.
Then, there Is other excItIng feature on GRID. What Is that? ThIs feature system related to adjustable weather and splIt-screen multIplayer. Therefore, you wIll handle your race. You can crate the race atmosphere that fIt your desIre. Of course, It Is great feature, absolutely great feature. In short, do you want to play GRID and all outstandIng and real vehIcles?