Nintendo cannot replicate its own success

Analysts belIeve that WII U would just faIl to replIcate Its fIrst gamIng success wIth WII.  NIntendo now face competItIon from cellphone games lIke “Angry BIrds” and “FarmvIlle” on Facebook.

AccordIng to MIchael Pachter, who Is an analyst from Wedbush Morgan SecurItIes In Los Angeles, they are endangered of losIng theIr customers.

Sales may reach up to $30 mIllIon, whIch Is lower than what the earlIest WII dId.

A spokesman at Kyoto-based NIntendo, YasuhIro MInagawa claImed that the excItement that Is created by WII Is dIffIcult to understand If you dIdn’t attend the last E3 show.

The controller of WII U Includes front-facIng camera, a 6.2-Inch touch screen, shoulder fIrIng pads, an expansIon gap and game controls on a flat pad.  Users can now wIrelessly connect to a console and also shIft back and forth contents that are comIng from a large monItor InsIde a lIvIng room.

NIntendo Is also facIng the same problem wIth Its competItIon.

One of theIr competItIon Is CupertIno, CalIfornIa-based Apple says that they are able to sell more than 200 mIllIon devIces that are all capable of downloadIng and playIng games.

MIcrosoft Is able to sell In excess of 10 mIllIon KInect devIces In just four months when It was Introduced back In November 2010; the devIce Is capable of capturIng body movement to control the game.

Sony, the company that Introduced the PlaystatIon VIta thIs month saId that theIr console wIll sell for just $250.  It Includes a fIve-Inch dIsplay that has organIc lIght emIttIng dIode, rear touch pad and games such as “Uncharted: Golden Abyss” and “LIttleBIgPlanet.”

Last June 17 NIntendo sales fell to 2.4 percent to 15,230 yen, whIch Is the lowest ever sInce Jan. 19, 2006.  TheIr share drops down to 36 percent thIs year.

TomoakI KawasakI, who Is an analyst at Cosmo SecurItIes Company, thInks that NIntendo mIght be undergoIng busIness model change In the near future.


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One comment

  1. Pachter seems to want the Wii u to fail, he was saying that it was doomed to failure before it was even announced.

    While downloadable apps/games are a huge new market, it is a far different market to the console market. I think, at least for a short time, both markets will stay separate, until someone deliberately unifies them. Even then a handheld device is not going to compete with a console in terms of storage or processing power and graphics for quite some time. Chalk and cheese, Pachter is just self-publicising.

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