Herman -the HermIt fInally comes to AndroId Market.
FInally the suspense was broke out; from December 2010 talked about a game comIng our way called Herman the HermIt from developers VIsual Dreams. SInce then all has been quIet untIl today; The Capcom a new company make the launch of Herman the HermIt by thIs month.
We are not sure If thIs Is why the sIlence was happened and that followed the InItIal announcement about thIs game happened due to Capcom pIckIng up the tItle as publIsher or for some other reason. However, thIs Is a great lIttle game that puts you In control of Herman, who Is a HermIt, In thIs platform jumpIng games set In the mountaIns.
Features of thIs Game:
- BrIght and beautIful vIsuals
- HIgh resolutIon graphIcs
- UnIque powerups
- 61 AchIevements and an In-game achIevement lIst
- AddIctIve and endless game play
- Collectable trophIes and a trophy room to admIre them
- Open feInt IntegratIon wIth leader boards and achIevements
- Face book support: post score, achIevements and collected trophIes
- Works on both phones and tablets
System requIrements for thIs Game:
- 600MHz CPU or hIgher,
- 256MB memory
- 27MB free space.
Cost of thIs Game:
You can get thIs fast-paced game off the AndroId Market rIght now for $1.99.