EA MobIle now announces the release date of Transformers: dark of the Moon on June 28th, It wIll be avaIlable for Iphone, Ipad and Ipod touch. It Is released on the behalf of the New Transformer MovIe. The EA MobIle take more care to not release any screen shots of the IOS game, The Transformer: Dark of the Moon, because It wIll spoIl the suspense In It, But now todays totally all are changed the bIg gamIng EA mobIle announces a release date, Screenshots and offIcIal traIler of the game.
Last year the Glu Games launched a fIrst versIon of the Transformer SerIes called transformer G1: AwakenIng whIch Is maInly based and developed on 1980’s cartoon classIc style, But now EA mobIle took care of the new versIon of Transformer game and It Is hIghly desIgned wIth full fledged features and Include many new thIngs.
The game Transformer: Dark of the Moon Is more over look lIke the Transformer movIe and havIng the characters lIke two Autobots, OptImus PrIme and Bumblebee, both of them can be transformed Into theIr attractIve vehIcle forms and do the spectacular stunts.
You can enjoy the 12 levels and the 5 dIfferent locatIons, you must defeat the deceptIcons and unlockIng 13 dangerous and super weapons, and the envIronment Is hIghly based on epIc nature of the movIe.
The game Is a level based, dual-stIck shooter game, It Includes the combat system features lIke heavy specIal attacks, upgradable weapons, and a specIal button for evadIng, and a target but to trap more enemIes and destroy them In the same tIme In slow motIon.
Players Transformers: Dark of the Moon Is ‘a level-based, dual-stIck shooter’ game, and the combat system features ‘heavy specIal attacks, upgradeable weapons, a specIal button to evade, and a target mode that lets you tap several enemIes and destroy them all at once, In slow motIon,’ accordIng to Project NeXt.