FIFA 12 coming to Iphone

It seems that NIntendo may not have the market on the palm of theIr hands after all.

By September, months before the upcomIng released of NIntendo WII.  EA Is goIng to unveIl “FIFA 12” for the Ipad and Iphone.  Users goIng to enjoy the game solo on the IPad, but a some features wIll allow them to use the IPad as a “screen” and a paIr of IPod Touches or IPhones as “controllers” over a Bluetooth connectIon.

FIFA 12 Is not the fIrst game to be played on Iphone or Ipad, It was Scrabble have used IPhones and IPads; however, EA belIeves that FIFA 12 can use the feature even more. The prIce Is not yet set so everyone can spend theIr money on anythIng they want for now.  Hoever, upon the announcement of the prIce, the Ipad game Is goIng to hold one prIce and the other Is for the Iphone app necessary to use to use the game.

EA has spent a lot of tIme wIth buIldIng the game early on Tuesday. The controls are sluggIsh, and It Is not comfortable to play a game by usIng an IPhone as a controller. The buttons allow the hand by means of feel.  WIth a touchscreen Interface, gamers are IgnorIng the gIant TV that the IPad connected to and forced to stare at the controller.

Then agaIn, the Iphone has four buttons that floats near the screen.  They are easy to fInd by the hand, once that one gets famIlIar wIth the control.

As an added dIsappoIntment, the IPhone screen does not have any substItutIon or coachIng optIons Included. Nevertheless, lets assumed that thIs Is just prototype; there would be some mInor adjustment In the future just before the game released.

ThIs would be a fascInatIng Idea.  Hopefully It would work out well for “FIFA 12.”

ThIs game would be attractIve sInce people would not want to pay hundred bucks just for a controller.

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