Marvelous CaptaIn AmerIca was goIng to hIt the AndroId Market. ThIs awesome game was developed by Marvel EntertaInment. For the promotIon of the game an amazIng CaptaIn AmerIca LIve Wallpaper was avaIlable.
ThIs game was come Into actIon on the basIs of the latest release of CaptaIn AmerIca MovIe. ThIs game was desIgned by the Marvel EntertaInment wIth full of fantastIc 3D effects wIth amazIng ActIons and named as CaptaIn AmerIca.
SentInel of LIberty for us AndroId fans. At theIr fIrst step In AndroId world the company also released a CaptaIn AmerIca LIve Wallpaper (Free).
ThIs CaptaIn AmerIca game was fIlled wIth 24 dIfferent levels; It was specIally desIgned wIth 3D and stunnIng HD GraphIcs. The gameplay of the CaptaIn AmerIca the FIrst Avenger was Stop the Red Skull!
CaptaIn AmerIca: SentInel of LIberty wIll gIve you excItIng gameplay. CaptaIn AmerIca AndroId game you wIll get Super SoldIer ActIon, Touch VIsual Power, Storm and Stealth, orIgInal Story and Soundtrack wIth tons of extra features.
CaptaIn AmerIca: SentInel of LIberty Is now avaIlable on AndroId Market at a dIscounted prIce of $0.99 whIch Is 80% off through openIng weekend In celebratIon of the CaptaIn AmerIca.