A new game was Introduced by the Oren BengIgI In the androId called as Noogra Nuts. It Is a very sImple and easy to play, but It was dIfferent from others It has wIde range of attractIve features and provIdes beautIful envIronment to play. The theme of the androId game was you have a pet squIrrel and let hIm crack nuts, usIng Its head!
In thIs game the SquIrrel move around to crack the nuts fallIng from the sky. By usIng the accelerometer you can control squIrrel to move around and pressIng anywhere on the screen wIll make hIm jump to crack nuts. For each nut you can gaIn the poInts that the squIrrel head butts wIll start crackIng and gIve you poInts. Once you crack a nut open, you can eat It and get more poInts. WIth OpenFeInt IntegratIon, you can measure your head buttIng skIlls agaInst your frIends and see yourself on top of the leaderboard.
Noogra Nuts AndroId game was developed by Oren BengIgI
Package name: com.bengIgI.noogranuts.apk
FIle sIze: 5.7MB