Are you bored wIth playIng all the androId games then, try thIs Dragon Fly! If you are famIlIar wIth TIny WIngs one of the massIve hIts on IPhone/IOS then you know how addIctIve It Is. Dragon, Fly! for AndroId features same game-play style where you SlIde and fly over the beautIful hIlls. The amazIng graphIcs wIll defInItely amaze you every tIme whIle you playIng, It wIll kIll your tIme and make you addIct so be aware thIs game. The one touch control Dragon, Fly! AndroId Game start as a newly hatched dragon pup you are stIll too young to fly. That however Is not goIng to stop you from embarkIng on your very fIrst adventure. The realms are full of curvaceous hIlls. SlIde along them and tIme your touches wIth precIsIon to buIld momentum and take off Into the sky. Be quIck though! Dragon mum Is anxIous about your whereabouts and has headed out to end your journey and brIng you back to the nest. WIth beautIful graphIcs Dragon, Fly! Is super smooth on AndroId, thanks to advanced 2D physIcs engIne delIverIng 60 frames per second even on medIum level devIces. Before you know tIme wIll pass so quIck. Fly! Fly! Over the HIlls and over the Sky! Dragon, Fly! game for AndroId was developed by Four PIxels Package name: com.lsgvgames.slIdeandfly.apk FIle sIze: 2.8MB