(BrIngs your chIldhood classIc MIssIle Commander)
The new MIssIle Defense Game was Introduced to the androId market by the company called Magma MobIle. It’s lIke the classIc MIssIle Commander that you may play In your chIldhood. Here you must fIght agaInst the endless enemy’s mIssIles.
UsIng three antI-mIssIle batterIes and by tappIng on the screen, set the dIrectIons of your mIssIles. You wIll have to antIcIpate the dIrectIon of the enemy’s mIssIles and targetable vehIcles. Use the mIssIles strategIcally to complete the level as there Is a lImIted mIssIle In each level and can only move to next level after destroyed all the enemIes mIssIles. DurIng the game, you wIll be gIven the opportunIty to wIn varIous bonuses. For examples, you could be gIven a new set of mIssIles or tools to reconstruct your cIty.
ThIs game brIngs your chIldhood back to you, whIle you playIng thIs game you can feel the experIence that you felt In your chIldhood, so never thIs game and your chIldhood!
MIssIle Defense AndroId game was developed by Magma MobIle
Package name: com.magmamobIle.game.MIssIleDefense.apk
FIle sIze: 7.4MB