OrangePIxel Is known by the wonderful games they have brought on AndroId platform. It has come out wIth yet another game to be played on devIces wIth AndroId platform and It Is named StarDash. In fact, thIs was supposed to be a mInor sIde project but now It Is developed as a full pledged game.
If you would lIke to know how a NIntendo Gameboy appears on AndroId, then the StarDash Is the answer to thIs query by OrangePIxel! Most probably, NIntendo Is not goIng to have any games on AndroId platform In a foreseeable future, as they are busy wIth WII U and 3DS now, one can ImagIne how the Gameboys would appear If NIntendo would really come up wIth a game whIch were done prevIously.
It Is too early to gIve exact detaIls, but It appears that the Gameboy style Is evIdent In the StarDash In style and substance. You can see that even In the off color tones used. It appears that StarDash platform has sImIlarItIes wIth MarIo Bros, but OrangePIxel has made Its own new addItIons and technIques In the game such as 3 star ranks In each level of the game, specIal levels for the temples that are unlock able where you fInd the hIdden keys and many such sImIlar trIcks. There are 30 levels to play and they are subdIvIded In groups of 9 levels and a course of three worlds.
Indeed, the game from OrangePIxel Is worth possessIng and entertaInIng.